The coronavirus pandemic made 2020 an abnormal year for everyone and Pixels Camp was postponed a few weeks before it was due in March, and inevitably canceled by September.
The quizshow qualifers were ongoing when Pixels Camp was first postponed, with the second challenge already open and two more challenges to go. The quizmaster decided to continue with the qualifiers, as they could (hopefully) provide some much needed at-home distraction during the first couple of weeks of lockdown.
In the end, there were 54 active participants over the four weeks of the qualifiers and you can check out their scores in the following table:
Rank | Participant | Score |
1 | killmaster | 3250 |
2 | luisfcorreia | 2950 |
3 | mjamado | 2900 |
4 | jcazevedo | 2425 |
5 | driverpt | 2200 |
6 | rcarmo | 2125 |
7 | JD557 | 1950 |
8 | beatriz | 1900 |
9 | queimadus | 1750 |
10 | mgontav | 1650 |
11 | rfgamaral | 1625 |
12 | pjaneiro | 1525 |
13 | frm | 1500 |
14 | naps62 | 1375 |
15 | antoniolopes | 1075 |
16 | danielb7390 | 1069 |
17 | bacitoto | 1050 |
18 | diasd2 | 997 |
19 | reaperfromhell | 949 |
20 | jfhenriques | 946 |
21 | NikiB | 924 |
22 | rafaelramalho19 | 848 |
23 | marciat | 767 |
24 | GambuzX | 766 |
25 | franciscols | 728 |
26 | joaopr | 728 |
27 | DDuarte | 637 |
28 | WebDevPT | 591 |
29 | wisewolf | 542 |
30 | Nelspike | 450 |
31 | jportela | 423 |
32 | nunohumberto | 389 |
33 | Madril | 297 |
34 | afonsojramos | 189 |
35 | pedromg | 179 |
36 | Jpfonseca | 177 |
37 | pemesteves | 125 |
38 | tiagoc | 100 |
39 | nunong21 | 97 |
40 | afonsus1997 | 96 |
41 | DiogoDores | 95 |
42 | netalvesj | 91 |
43 | DiogoGarrido | 90 |
44 | tiagoad | 88 |
45 | alagoa | 86 |
46 | nmssilva | 81 |
47 | psenough | 80 |
48 | joaoanes | 79 |
49 | alexdsmartins | 78 |
50 | davidteixeira | 77 |
51 | madoke | 76 |
52 | MarcosMe | 75 |
53 | joanarijo | 74 |
54 | Christophe235 | 73 |
click here to show all scores
Check out the quizmaster's post over at the Pixels Camp blog for a walkthrough of the qualifiers and the solutions to its four challenges:
- Flynn's (image gauntlet)
- Prison Break (treasure hunt)
- Reciprocal (javascript golf)
- Fragmented (treasure hunt)
With Pixels Camp canceled, qualified participants didn't get the chance to compete on stage, but we ran the podium (and Celso Martinho) through a remote five-question mini-quiz during one of the tea time streams in early June, which Marco Amado won.
The Quizmaster, 2020